One of the main reasons starting out as a freelancer is so terrifying is because of the huge (occasionally for me all-consuming) fear of whether you’ll have enough, or even any, work to keep the money coming in. You’ve purposefully waved goodbye to a regular, known, paycheck (maybe this definitely is early-onset midlife crisis…) So, as I start to explore what’s out there, here’s how the game plan is shaping up:
Secured: Facilitation
The piece of work I secured was facilitating a staff away day for a charity. It’s something I’ve done in almost every job I’ve had –unconsciously or named and known. I’ve run events, supported multi-sector partnerships, supported teams to explore and improve processes and teamwork, managed projects, led consultations and evaluations with stakeholders, all of it is about facilitation. When you recognise that facilitation is about supporting/helping/guiding a group into working better together and achieving their goal(s), you find it everywhere. As a known skill and one I was experienced in, I felt confident offering this. In terms of how often this work comes up, definitely a “to be confirmed” and I suspect it’s a lot based on relationships and the reputation you develop – word of mouth is likely one of the most powerful ways of becoming known.
Secured: Evaluation
Similarly with facilitation, evaluation has been a theme throughout my career. I’ve reported on single service outcomes in bigger organisations, whole organisational impact for others, and even partnerships. I’ve looked at economic value, social impact measurement and community outcomes.
My second ever piece of work is two evaluations for a charity undertaking advice work, looking at both their quantitative data from casework and qualitative data, interviewing clients, caseworkers and strategic partners. Following that logic model through from activities to outputs to outcomes. Trying to answer that fundamental questions of “what has changed” and “what impact has the change had?”
Volunteering: Mentoring & Strategy/Business Planning
Early on when I started more seriously considering the transition to freelance proper, I applied to volunteer with the Cranfield Trust. I’ve since starting mentoring the leader of a one-man-band charity who really wanted an external/independent person to explore new ideas with and support with the planning process, particularly in the absence of a team of colleagues. While I’ve done this ad-hoc and very informally for colleagues before, for example, with new managers finding their feet, or members of my own team, it’s not necessarily an area I’d considered for freelance work but I’m keen to build my experience and see where it leads.
Within the same organisation, I’m hoping to take on some volunteer consultancy, and already had to turn down an amazing strategy/business planning piece of work just because I’m already spinning a few too many plates for my sanity. And while I could feel the words “count me in” forming and recklessly telling myself I’d just “fit it in”, deep down, I knew I’d be setting myself up for a whole heap of stress, and more importantly, doing a disservice to the charity in need.
Possibility of – Comms and Resources
The first piece of freelance work I ever pitched for came out of left field – a national body I’d volunteered with before wanted some strategy and planning support. What surprised me was how much I wanted it. How gutting it was to hear it had gone to someone else and how it had lit a bit of fire in me of wanting to chase other opportunities.
The same organisation, having completed its strategy and planning day, has now progressed to having a clearer plan of work for the year ahead and alongside it is a freelance opportunity to do some of this “doing”. It’s mostly focused on high level comms and resource building and is work I’d love to do given the committee are great people I’ve worked with before and it’s a passion project given the work I used to do. Interestingly it’s also a regular freelance slot, with monthly hours for a period of more than 6 months – a jackpot for me right now if I’m able to secure it.
Possibility of – Unknowns!
I realised quickly that one of the ways to help make a success of this was to share my new career with old contacts – all the people that I’ve worked with before (and would want to work with again!). I had lunch with a colleague who was working in quality/information governance and is taking a career break, I met up with an old colleague for a walk and a put-the-world-to-rights session who’s now senior in fundraising, and I contacted a previous colleague who’s now in operations in a national charity. I dug out my LinkedIn account, updated my info and tried to remember every name of everyone I’d ever worked with. It did make me smile thinking how many would think “I haven’t heard from her in years – I wonder what she’s up to/wants?!”
An old contact through work was hugely enthusiastic at my news and was quick to say how much she needed me. But as yet, no further details or contact. I feel like that might be the first of many “oh definitely we must talk” type exchanges where you get really excited about lots of potential new work but realistically can’t rely on them in terms of planning.
Decided against: Fundraising
There was an opportunity at an amazing for-women-by-women organisation that offered regular hours/income, and a part of me wanted to apply, because I need something. But its that classic of “is anything better than nothing – or does it actually have to be a proper something?” In this case, I think it was my need for security talking loudest. It’s primarily a fundraising role, and while I’ve got experience in it, I wouldn’t say its expertise and more importantly, it doesn’t get me fired up thinking about taking it on. Also, going back to my newly established day rate, as hard as it was to acknowledge, it didn’t make the bar and I figure I should at least start as I mean to go on!
Decided against: Immigration Policy
A phenomenal piece of work came up around exploring integration after immigration, looking at policy and practical interventions at local level. While I’ve never worked in immigration before, I was in contact with two other people who were specialists in the field, and we looked at a collaboration on it. Sadly between us, our diaries just couldn’t make it work. Even though I was so, so close to doing the classic “I’ll just find the time” as if I’ve got a magic time machine rather than having no work time available for another two months, two small children, and general life to contend with.
Applied for: Project Lead: Community Reporting
I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for a really interesting organisation using community voices to create international social change. They’re looking for freelance project leads to support their projects and the way in which they present themselves and their work got me hooked. Projects last 3 – 12 months and come up on an ad-hoc basis. A “watch this space” one.
Applied for: comms and policy work with young people
Another hat was thrown into the ring for this one. An organisation looking for urgent freelance support on communications and policy development for its work developing young peoples’ skills and resilience. Really interesting work and another one where the role would provide some regular hours and income over a few months. Another “watch this space” one.
Ideas: Training
I love training – something about the adrenaline of it, something about a love of teaching, something about being able to see the results on the day as people take on information, form ideas and new approaches. When I first started considering freelance, it was solely looking at being a trainer, and that just felt like a huge uphill battle starting from zero. So, while I think about other ideas for the non-profit/voluntary and community sector, I’ve got a few specific ideas to utilise what I’ve done before and plug a potentially huge gap in the market (albeit probably not likely to be a hugely high fee paying one) and run some training alongside other work. One that needs a lot of research and development work but I’m eyeing up a quieter August to have a better look.
Ideas: Freelance Writing
I’ve always enjoyed writing and want to explore opportunities for freelance writing on the side. Partly because it’s just something I like and partly because it could be a really flexible addition to the mix because they should be short assignments to take on as and when I like. Admittedly, I haven’t explored it much to test how much opportunity there is it’s definitely on the “would like to have list.”
Bonus Income: Hosting Students
When we moved into our house a few years back, having a spare room was (and still is) one its best features. It’s been a huge benefit for hosting friends and family, especially when they’re up to help us with childcare or work, and I remember clocking the potential for renting it out if we ever wanted or needed to.
And it feels like the time has come. We recently had a leaflet through our door about a local language school looking for more host families, and I realised it could be a perfect additional income stream to help us through this transition period, or even longer term. I’m keen to try it to get a feel for how much extra work it is and how it feels having someone else in the house (and the extra responsibilities if we take someone under 16), but my gut feeling is it could be a fun new adventure for the house, especially for the kids getting to experience new people, languages, cultures etc.
Conclusion: A Little Bit of Everything?
Admittedly, this feels like more like a scatter gun approach than a clearly defined business concept with identified markets etc. However, it does reflect the range of my jobs/experience, as well as the work out there in the sector at the moment. Plus, I don’t think I feel hugely motivated to dive into one specific area and hole myself up in there at this point. The opposite even. I’m more thinking of trying to do more uncomfortable things, stretch myself a little and see what it brings. I’m keeping a track of what I’m pitching for and what I secure to see if any themes emerge as I get further into, as well as the critical factor of what pays. So watch this space…