Something I’ve discovered in the last year or so is the importance of blending fun and work. And that’s not the forced fun awkward role play type fun, but the genuine laughter, generating connections and “I really love this” type fun. I’ve been weaving this into what organisations I work with, what projects I want to concentrate on, and how I design events. But it’s really come to the fore with LEGO® Serious Play®.

I found out about the method in autumn 2022, just as a I went freelance. I bought Michael Fearne’s book and demolished it. It was clear, engaging and inspiring – I was completely drawn into the concept. When I found courses, the cost meant I would have to be sure that this would be a good investment, especially so early in my freelance career. So it went on the back burner, or so I thought. I managed nearly all of 2023 without committing but constantly considering it, until I suddenly found myself with a work gap and some extra financial buffer. And Michael coming to London. Some things are just meant to be.

Michael’s generosity in sharing his experience extend far beyond his core training content, he happily shares his business model and pricing, how he markets his services, he offers his book to download for free and has built a whole community platform dedicated to sharing knowledge.

The essence of LEGO® Serious Play® is about engaging your imagination and creativity, the right side of your brain. Letting go of logic, analysis and overthinking, and working more spontaneously. The best description I’ve ever heard is that it’s not about building literal things from the world around us, but about 3D printing our brains – giving physical form to our thoughts and ideas, in a way that flipcharts just can’t offer.

It needs an openness and a growth mindset to give the method a try, it requires leaders to get go of ego because it gives everyone an equal voice. Its fundamentally about collaboration and co-creation. All things close to my heart. But there’s something extra – something about adding music, the tactile nature of the method and the novelty of the discovering unique bricks that really adds the magic.

Ikigai = what gives you a sense of purpose/your reason for being.

I don’t know whether LEGO® Serious Play® will be my complete work ikigai, but there’s something amazing about the method that means I end sessions with a sense of fun, energy and openness that doesn’t always happen in other areas of my work. Its proof that its possible to love what you do, and I’m forever grateful for finding it and taking the chance. It’s proved a better fit for me than I ever could have imagined, and most importantly it delivers great results. Here’s to chasing your ikigai.